Regular Yoga Sessions

Unleash Your Well-being with Regular Yoga

yognilay-pune  onlibe yoga class
yognilay-pune  onlibe yoga class

Feeling overwhelmed?

Prioritize your health with consistent yoga practice!
Reduce Stress & Anxiety: Find peace and combat daily pressures.
Boost Flexibility & Strength: Improve range of motion and build a healthier body.
Elevate Mood & Well-being: Enhance your outlook and feel more positive.
Beginners Welcome: Classes designed for all levels, from complete beginners to seasoned yogis.
Empower yourself. Start your yoga journey today!

Online Yoga: Find Your Perfect Fit

Unleash your well-being with our diverse range of online yoga classes! Whether you crave the energy of a group setting or the personalized attention of a one-on-one session, we have the perfect option for you.
yognilay-pune group yoga class
yognilay-pune group yoga class
yognilay-pune -personal yoga class
yognilay-pune -personal yoga class

Online Group Sessions

Community & Connection: Thrive in a supportive environment alongside like-minded individuals.

Motivation & Inspiration: Feed off the energy and motivation of the group dynamic.

Cost-Effective: Enjoy a more affordable yoga experience compared to private sessions.

Variety of Classes: Choose from a wide range of styles and levels to suit your needs.

Online Personal Classes

Tailored Practice: Receive personalized instruction and modifications to fit your unique goals and body.

Focused Attention: Deepen your practice with a dedicated teacher for optimal results.

Faster Progress: Benefit from a customized program designed to accelerate your progress.

Privacy & Comfort: Practice yoga in the comfort of your own home without self-consciousness.

Ideal for: Individuals with specific injuries or limitations, experienced yogis seeking a challenge, those who prefer a more private setting.
Ideal for: Social butterflies, beginners seeking guidance, budget-conscious yogis.

Choose Your Time Slots

8:00 AM to 9:00 AM(Customized)
6:00 AM to 7:00 AM 7:00 AM to 8:00 AM

Empower yourself. Start your yoga journey today!

Yognilay has taken sessions for ages via online. My breathing problems have been alleviated. My back, knee, and leg pain all went away. My concentration improved, and I was able to eliminate unwanted thoughts. You're a fantastic yoga instructor.

I started my yoga journey after recovering from Corona and found that I still had issues with shallow breathing. Joining Yogilay classes has helped me overcome this problem, as well as reducing pain in my knees, legs, and back. My concentration has improved, and unwanted thoughts have reduced. The instructions provided by the excellent yoga instructor are extremely helpful, and I particularly enjoyed the super awesome Shavasan's instructions. I also found the prenatal yoga class very helpful, as I could sense my baby's heartbeat activating in my abdomen while in shavasana. I feel very lucky to have found such a receptive and helpful yoga instructor. and yognilay has taken sessions for ages via online

I feel like I've been in the right hands since I started taking your Yognilay classes. You have chosen exercises that are appropriate for my body. My husband also appreciates your hard work because he sees your sessions. The quality of the teaching is excellent, and the simple advice and techniques taught in class greatly helped me understand some poses. I highly recommend anyone like me to join your therapeutic class. Thank you so much.

What My Students Say about Me

 yognilay-pune Pratik Pawale
 yognilay-pune Pratik Pawale
Pratik Pawale
yognilay-pune  Shweta Awate -Pawale
yognilay-pune  Shweta Awate -Pawale
Shweta Awate -Pawale
yognilay-pune  Aarti Jagtap
yognilay-pune  Aarti Jagtap
Aarti Jagtap